We recently hosted a webinar to introduce the new features of Causeway Flow v12, including the new Hydro-Brake® Optimum, update on FEH22 data, and highly requested ability to import IDDX files. If you missed it or need a refresher, we're here to help you catch up.

Maximising flow control with Hydro-Brake® Optimum

Ben Puddy, Hydro International's Product Manager, introduced us to their new Hydro-Brake® Optimum, a game-changing self-activating flow control device. 

The Hydro-Brake® Optimum comes in two ranges:

  1. S range: Designed for surface water systems
  2. C range: Suitable for both surface water and foul/combined systems

This means you now have a new user selection for the adjustable inlet. Users can select the original minimum or maximum setting to model within Causeway Flow itself.


What's new in Causeway Flow v12

This latest iteration brings a host of new features and improvements to enhance your design capabilities.

Hydro-Brake® API update

The latest Hydro-Brake® API is now available, featuring adjustable inlet support to future-proof your designs. Now you can easily modify discharge rates with a simple dropdown menu, visualised through color-coded graphs.

Simulate consecutive synthetic storms

This feature allows the simulation of back-to-back synthetic events in user-defined scenarios. Having identified the critical storm, users can now specify the consecutive return periods (RPs), storm durations, and events, as well as adjust the analysis start time for each consecutive return period within the simulation.


Import InfoDrainage data to Causeway Flow

Flow users can now seamlessly import IDDX files, a highly requested feature that ensures uninterrupted workflow and allows you to continue working smoothly in Flow.

Steep site design support

Causeway Flow was the first drainage design software to support FEH22 data when we introduced it in our release in April 2023. The latest update supports the design of drainage networks for conveyance on steep sites by incorporating the 1-year return period using FEH13 and FEH22 rainfall data.

Starting water levels

Enable the specification of a starting water level, allowing simulations to begin with hot start levels for accurately representing pre-filled drainage network conditions.

Design flow per link

Allow the specification of a design flow per link to override the calculated flow rate downstream of flow controls, enabling automatic adjustment of link sizes beyond flow controls.

Causeway Flow v12 is now available to users.

For pricing enquiries or a personalised demo, get in touch with us today.

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